

​​As social creatures, relationships are at the heart of what makes being human such a meaningful experience. Our capacity to forge social bonds is arguably the most significant of all our abilities. However, it goes without saying that relationships are complex and nuanced.

Couples therapy provides a safe space for couples to explore their relationship with one another. As a relationally attuned practice, The Therapy Collective understands that ruptures occur in even the most loving of partnerships. We offer our clients couples therapy to ensure that they feel supported in this essential dimension of their lives. We view relational conflicts as rich opportunities for mutual, shared growth, and openings for increased understanding, healing and love.

In beginning to work with a therapist, couples find the space and support needed to confront impasses, to begin grappling with misunderstandings, and to get radically honest with their individual and shared needs and desires. Clients often emerge from couples therapy with a renewed sense of clarity, enhanced vitality, and a strengthened purpose in all that they share together.